March Newsletter
Introductory Piano
for Young Beginners
How to check if your child (younger than 6 y.o.) is READY FOR PIANO LESSONS?
We grouped various signs of readiness into four categories: INTEREST, COMMUNICATION, COORDINATION and ENVIRONMENT. If you answered "no" or "not quite" to many of these questions, it is suggested that you wait a few months. Little ones develop and change rapidly! Our young beginner program is designed to help them grow and learn, and creates the most feeling of success when children begin lessons once they are able to do most of the tasks listed.
- Does your child show interest in the piano?
- Does he like listening and moving to music?
- Is he excited about the prospect of piano lessons?
- Is your child comfortable being away from you for a short periods of time?
- Does your child know the difference between "banging" on the piano keys vs. playing carefully?
- Does your child respond well to questions asked by adults other than his parents?
- Does your child sit and listen for stories with interest?
- Is your child easily brought back to task when needed?
- Can your child speak clearly and make himself understood in most situations?
- Can your child focus on a single task for 5-minutes intervals?
- Can your child wiggle only his thumbs or only index fingers when asked?
- Can your child hold a pencil or crayon?
- Can your child follow two-part directions when asked? (E.g., "Use your right hand to pick up the glass and then take it to the table")
- Do you have or plan to obtain a piano or adequate keyboard at home? At-home instrument will be needed.
- Do you have time to sit with your child regularly to assist with home piano time? (Children younger than 6 need their parents to help them at home.)
- Do you have the ability to bring your child to lessons regularly? Consistency is important to your child's success.
Family Spotlight
March 2020
The News are continuing to feature one of the Do-Re-Mi community members.
Zachary, Lea, Josh and Matthew Guberuk
Lea and Josh, now 9 years old, joined the Do-Re-Mi Russian emerging program when they were 3. Zachary and Matthew, who recently turned 5, started the same program at the age of 2.
Older children learn Russian and Math, and Lea also took piano for several years and is one of the youngest actresses in our Advanced theater group. Out of Do-Re-Mi, Lea does ballet and lyrical dance and is testing for her black belt in karate in a few months. Her favorite activity is watching shows, musicals and plays. Younger boys also play tennis and swim. Older kids also play chess.
Josh - plays soccer in a club (Centercourt Football Club) and also plays on a select soccer team (NJ Strikers) coached by his dad, Igor. Josh has also played for the NY Red Bulls and is representing the Metrowest JCC in the junior soccer Maccabi games (also coached by Josh’s dad).
All the boys enthusiastically favor soccer: they not only all play, but they are Red Bulls season ticket holders. They also watch their dad play on his soccer team (Livingston Geezers).
Thank you to their mom, Irina, who managed to find the photo of all kids looking at the camera!
Christopher Widjaja
Fifth Annual Memorial Recital
to Benefit the Myocarditis Foundation
To perform, submit your recording between not later than on 3/10, 2020. We’ll select 20-25 performances for the recital, and 4 students will receive $100 awards: one each in Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced Piano category, and one among all non-piano performances (all instruments or singing). Participating is free.
To buy tickets, please call 973-758-1500, email, or buy online through the Christopher’s Foundation:
A complete information is here:
Thank you for your support!
We are excited to be a part of the Teach Music Week again, offering free introductory lessons on piano, violin, guitar and voice. A new feature: introductory 15-min. lessons for young beginners of 3.5-5 yo.
To reserve your time slot, please send us your request or call 973-758-1500. Feel free to call for more info!
Ethan C., Chess
Myra D., Voice
Avery Z., Chess
Arhaan R., Chess
Gianluca P., Art
Liev R., Russian
Mia Z., Art and Voice
Guaraang S., Piano
Biana V., Piano
Max V., Art
Avik B., Piano
Grace D., Piano
For every registered student, we donate to Brave Minds Project. THANK YOU for your REFERENCES: you are helping your friends to find the right program, you are helping us to grow, and you are helping Brave Mind Projects to support families fighting with deadly disease.
Calendar Reminder
March 10: Deadline for recording submission for Christopher Widjaja Memorial Recital
March 20: The list of selected performances announced
March 28, 4:00 - The Memorial Recital
April 6 - 12: Spring break, no lessons (except for Ms. Nana)
May 3: Russian Concerts
May 16: The Dragon, performance of Advanced Russian Theater
May 23-25: Memorial Day weekend break, no lessons (except for Ms. Nana)
June 14: Buratino, performance of Junior Russian Theater
June 23: Last day of spring semester for Art, Chess, Math and Theater
June 27: Last day of spring semester for Piano, Instruments and Singing