December 2021 Newsletter
Holiday Recitals
Congratulations to all the participants of Ms. Nina’s class recital last weekend, and “break a leg” to students of Ms. Nana, Ms. Marina Genina, Ms. Carol and Ms. Helen for their upcoming performances!
Alice Y. is performing this advanced piece with her teacher, Ms. Nina. In the video on the right, the same duo is just a few years ago. Nice progress!
Same performer - a few years earlier.
On the right: Happy and healthy New Year from the Do-Re-Mi Piano Faculty!
More Musical Celebrations!
We are continuing to "reintroduce" the teachers who have joined us years ago and
with their work actually created the Do-Re-Mi as it is today.
Nana Gray
Teaching seven days a week, Nana is truly the Do-Re-Mi integral part. She joined us back in 2003, teaching only two students at that time.
Among her many amazing qualities, the most distinctive are her ability to make music spontaneously, at any moment, and to connect with any student, from the 4 y.o. Allison to a current Peabody composition major Max - students love Nana and through her they fall in love with music.
Wishing Nana good health and endless enthusiasm in sharing her talent and love with more and more students!
Angela Kozarevich
ANGELA hardly needs introduction: she has the largest number of students from all the teachers' classes, all the Do-Re-Mi programs. But it was not always like this. Angela visited our morning program for young children in West Orange back in 2003 and noticed, "It's a greate interactive program, but the kids don't speak Russian. You ask them whether it is an orange or an apple, and they reply "Yes." To this I offered her to join the program and focus on language while leaving logic and "world around us" aspects to the original teacher, Irina Zinkevich (that was amazing indeed:)
Year in and year out, Angela built the progressive reading curriculum using her professional training as an elementary school teacher. As more and more children from bilingual families were joining Do-Re-Mi, we expanded her education by online training as a RSL teacher through Moscow University.
Angela's professionalism is only partially responsible for her success and popularity. The other reason is her positive attitude to life, energy, optimism. We wish her to stay always like this - active, dynamic, cheerful, enjoying everything what life can offer, and we hope that teaching will remain one of those joys for many years.
Thank you for helping us help others!
For several years, we donate $20 for each new student or $30 for each new family to various charities.
This time, we split our funds between Covenant House and Operation Second Chance