January-February Newsletter
Twenty Years of Making a Difference:
Veteran Teachers
The main reason for the Do-Re-Mi's existence and staying alive is its teachers - someone has stayed with us for all these years, someone has joined recently. For remaining few months of our 20th year, we'll continue to reintroduce them (in "historical" order) - not only their teaching background, but some recollection of how they joined the school.
Marina joined us back in 2005 - shortly after the school relocated from West Orange to Livingston. Her top-notch professionalism paired up with her willingness to look for new, individual ways that would work the best for her very different students, and to find the balance between traditional Russian pre-professional approach and the goals of our prevalent amateur piano students undoubtedly shaped the Do-Re-Mi Piano program and our reputation in the local communities. It takes a lot of skills, effort and inner energy to lead a student from "I can't" to a decently sounding performance, and very often it embodies not just growth of piano skills, but marks a personal victory. Does it sound "too serious"? Marina's great sense of humor is to the rescue!
Irina Baksht
Irina joined the Do-Re-Mi back in 2010. By that time, we had a successful Math/Logic program, intentionally not connected to school math program. When Irina was offered to take over the classes of a retiring teacher, she expressed her concerns about this approach because, having extensive experience as a private tutor, she observed many mistakes students make in their school work, and ultimately a significant room for improvement of their school performance through addressing them directly - not only through developing their logical thinking (which Irina was fond of since her years in a specialized school for gifted Math students back in Moscow). This is how our Math program started in its current form.
Irina is immensely attentive. She is trying not only to present math concepts, but also to look into the student's thinking process, to understand what is the reason for the problem. Over the years of her work in the Do-Re-Mi, we observed tremendous success stories, when students were able to move from "basic" placement not just to "standard", but also to "advanced" classes. Her Olympiad teams have been consistently in the top 10%, and some students in the top 2%.
Nina Arabuli
When I'm trying to express how Ms. Nina's teaching is special, I'm thinking of "holistic approach": with all of her expertise in music (she holds a Master's in Musicology) and piano, her priority is gaining each student's trust. Only then, she is "redirecting" to achievements.
Ioana V., Ms. Nina's "graduate", describes her transfer to the Do-Re-Mi (with less than joyful previous experience):
"Soon enough, the feeling of dread whenever I thought about piano started to fade. In fact, I actually looked forward to your lesson. Having you as my teacher has not only improved my piano skills immensely, it has encouraged me to be involved in piano in other ways besides just your classes.
Because of you, I played in Carnegie Hall! You were out there in the audience, and I wanted nothing more than to impress you, and make you feel proud of me. I knew you were. You have always believed in me, and pushed me to do more than I ever thought I could. Most importantly, thank you for changing me for the better and forming me into the person I am today."
Thank you, Ms. Nina, for all the positive energy you bring to the school, your students and their families! Wishing you a good health for years to come
I first met Olga 16 years ago, when she brought her 2 yo son to my music and movement class. She left to New Mexico with her family soon after, and when she returned in 2011, she started teaching Math to young kids.
Olga graduated from Ulianov Pedagogical University (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia) with M.A. in Math and received additional training in Early childhood development at E. Danilova's workshops (Moscow).
Her students, who start at 4-5 years with her, grow, and stick to her until I practically wean them from her when they go to high school, to free her time for young kids since her love and ability to teach the young is unparalleled.
Thank you for helping us help others!
Fot several years, the Do-Re-Mi donates $20 for each new enrolled student or $30 for each new family. Thanks to a decent enrollment this fall, we were able to donate to four organizations: Community Food Bank of NJ; Musicians Foundation (supporting professional musicians in time of crisis); Covenant House, providing food, housing, medical help and access to education for the homesless children, and Operation Second Chance, helping wounded, injured and ill Veterans and their families with reabilitation, providing emergency assistance with their bills, scholarships and more.
Thank you for your referrals!
Edel Schnyder
- for getting a perfect score at Russian Language Proficiency examination by New York University’s School of Professional Studies that she took shortly before the New Year.
"Based on this examination of listening comprehension, short answers/multiple choice, short essay, and translation, you attained a score of 12 out of a maximum of 12 points. The score is equivalent to up to 12 credits of college-level study."
Edel is one of our students who decided to "convert" the years of studies into "official achievement", getting acknowledgement by the official Examination Board. These credits are applicable towards college requirements.
Wishing Edel all the best in the college of her choice and beyond!
Zhiyong and William Huang
- on their participation in the Crescendo Music Festival Winners Recital in Carnegie Hall recently. Congratulations to Ms. Nina and the boys' parents as well!